I often find myself needing to get rid of some of the sections on Drupal’s ‘My Account’ page. Not every site needs it to say ‘History: Member for 1 day’ for example, and if you use a lot of contributed modules that screen can get cluttered fast. So this morning I got sick of dealing with it, found there is a perfectly good hook_profile_alter there to work with, and wrote a little module to let administrators disable these fields. Let me know how you like it: http://drupal.org/project/myaccount_alter (currently Drupal 5 only)
Anonymous (not verified) on February 6, 2008 - 1:28pm
jody on February 6, 2008 - 1:36pm
It looks like profile_privacy has a different use actually. It deals specifically with fields coming from the profile module and hides/shows them on a user-specific basis. My module is dealing with the actual sections on the My Account page, not the individual profile fields.
romand (not verified) on February 7, 2008 - 5:47am
This will be useful for small fixed-width layouts.
Jim (not verified) on June 4, 2008 - 8:53pm
This is great. Do you plan to add more to it to limit what the user is allowed to see in editing their account? ex. I don’t want them to see the comment settings section and username so that they can’t change either one. Thank you!
jody on June 9, 2008 - 9:29am
Almost all of those kinds of things are controlled by permissions or other module-based settings. Changing username is a permission in the permission table and per-user comment settings is likely a configuration within comment modules settings.