Jody Hamilton the Assassin

Jody Hamilton the Assassin continues to beat me in Google ranking. It's a tough fight when you're just a weakling going against a former WWE wrestler. If I were to eventually overtake him, it would be bittersweet anyway, after reading his heartbreaking plight.

While I know it goes against all the principals of Search Engine Optimization to give out links to your competitors, I must say I have a certain fondness for the Assassin, whose full name is actually Joseph.

There are two other notable Jody Hamiltons I know about. One is the daughter of Carol Burnett and Joe Hamilton (I am not saying Carol Burnett had a relationship with the Assassin, but I'm not not saying that either). The other one, like the Assassin, was born in Missouri. (I gather that in Missouri men named Joseph find it reasonable to go by 'Jody'.) This Jody Hamilton was Houston's only hanging- he murdered a family in 1906 and is still so well known in the Ozarks that several people mentioned him to me on a visit to Missouri.


Anonymous on February 1, 2008 - 1:41pm

HA! I forgot your site for a minute and decded to google it. The Assassin was the first, though I did contemplate googling “jody hamilton drupal” which might make you queen of the web… just checked. IT DOES! BACK ON TOP!

jody on February 2, 2008 - 1:16pm

Whoa- it’s also very encouraging that the second hit for ‘jody hamilton drupal’ goes to ‘People who are Female’. Now and then all women need to be told that they too are female. It’s just a nice feeling.

Shai Gluskin (not verified) on February 11, 2008 - 12:19am


I just read some fun posts by a guy I recently met named “Michael Hoffman” who has a much cooler attitude toward the top ranking Michael Hoffman on Google than you have about your Jody Hamilton competitor. The top ranking Michael Hoffman happens to be a Holocaust-denier, which contributes significantly to Michael’s disdain.

Though he’s cool toward that other Michael Hoffman, he does manage to have fun with the whole situation. I blogged about it on my personal blog, noticing that I am that absolutely only Shai Gluskin that appears in Google, and even if you go back to driver’s licencse name, “Sam” still only me:

Viva Jody Hamiltons…!


Conrad (not verified) on March 10, 2009 - 7:41pm

This is a funny blog. Go get him Jody, you can do it!

Charlotte (not verified) on July 6, 2009 - 1:32am

That’s crazy! My friend actually has a really neat interview up with Mr. Hamilton. An amazing man really, the youngest guy to ever headline at Madison Square Garden. You should check it out!

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