I checked out that CCK theme README and yes it does explain how to make template files for individual fields. I think that most of the time that won’t be helpful to me. A good example of what I’m most often trying to do with my fields is to just stick a few of them in the same div in the node template. I think a better example of what I’m doing may be:
jody on February 12, 2008 - 9:36am
Hi Alan,
I checked out that CCK theme README and yes it does explain how to make template files for individual fields. I think that most of the time that won’t be helpful to me. A good example of what I’m most often trying to do with my fields is to just stick a few of them in the same div in the node template. I think a better example of what I’m doing may be:
<div class ="details">
print $node->content['field_a'];
print $node->content['field_b'];
</div class ="evertything-else">
foreach($node->content as $key => $field) {
print $field['#value'];